The Beauty of Hip-hop

The Beauty of Hip-hop
Mac Miller - Circles - Youtube

I first discovered hip-hop in a pretty generic way for kids my age, which is one of those rap feature in a mainstream pop song you would hear on the radio. (back when radio was still somewhat popular) Then years later, I would start using Spotify and then I'd actually start getting into hip-hop. One of the first rappers I listened to was Travis Scott, Drake, and Rich Brian. (Back when Rich Brian wasn't making pop songs). And I loved it, it was such a vibe, it just sounded so catchy, flowy, and "cool". One of the song I listened to all day long was "History" by Rich Brian which if you haven't listened to it yet then you totally should. It is a super catchy rap song with a bossa nova elevator music beats which you probably haven't heard much of that type of beats.

And then one day YouTube recommended me, the one and only, Anthony Fantano. The first video I watched of his was his review on Mac Miller's Circles which just got released at the time. And so after hearing his praise on the album, I went straight to Spotify and streamed Good news and Blue world all day long.

But as I dug deeper into hip-hop, I started to discover that hip-hop expands so much more further than just Travis Scott and Drake. This genre actually has such an interesting roots. Hip-hop was used as a tool to address social issues back in the 80s and the 90s and people are still using it to vocalize their thoughts on these problems we face everyday. Artists like Anderson.Paak, Joey bada$$, and many more are still addressing these problems that are heavily rooted in our society.

What made hip-hop so great is it's rhythmic feature which made it able to connect with so many genres effectively. Which is my favorite part about hip-hop, it just has such a wide range of instrumentation to the point where it can work with literally any genres.

In this point in time, hip-hop has so many talents that are working hard to release great ambitious works. I genuinely feel that hip-hop is such a musical phenomenon and I hope that it would keep progressing in the future, unlike the other genres that had died down as time passes by. ☘