

This month has gone quite fast and a lot definitely has happened. This month I was able to finish 90% of my new DECA innovation project "Spina". Since in Thailand, office syndrome is such a huge topic in the country so I just took the idea and designed a product that will help fix office syndrome. Next thing that I need to do for DECA is adding more statistics, numbers and wrap them all up into a nice looking document. And after that, me and my group will have to start preparing for the presentation of the product and the presentation board as well. This sunday, I have a DECA conference coming up which I will be going with my club. The conference is 3 days 2 nights long and I'm really looking forward to it.  

This month I was able to get in the Jazz band even though I joined a little late but so far all the rehearsals went well for a newbie like me who never ever played jazz before. I'm also trying to get a solo so we will see tomorrow whether if I get it or not. For symphonic band I also auditioned for another solo which will also be decided tomorrow if I'm going to get it or not. Last week I was able to finally join Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program. So I'm working on getting to the Cadet Technical Sergeant rank by the time that I go back to Thailand. Which this basically means that I need to pass every requirements every single month so that I will be able to promote in time.

Last week our school band also played in our last football home game. We lost the game to Graham-Kapowsin High School which is one of the top teams in Washington state. Nonetheless, our band definitely had a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to playing more pep band music in basketball games. Next week we also have a fall concert for all bands which include Jazz band and Symphonic band that I'm in so I'm excited to perform in the auditorium too.  Lastly, you can't talk about October without talking about halloween. Me and my host family went to trick or treat and it went very well and everyone had fun. before that we also went to a pumpkin place, bought pumpkins, and we all carved them together and now they are sitting in front of the house.

For school, I am really loving my U.S. studies class because we got a really good new teacher and U.S. studies is obviously something quite new to me so it has been very exciting each class. For geometry, I excelled all of my quizzes and tests and I'm hoping to do more advance things inside the class. In Intro to marketing, we learned  more marketing strategies and alnalysis such as the SWOT analysis. In web design, I learned how to code HTML, CSS, and use bootstrap which led me into making my own website that you're currently reading on right now.

Oh, and one last thing. I went to homecoming. I went there to help my club "FCCLA" with fund raising and I was basically the ice cream guy. We almost sold out the ice cream but we didn't make as much profit as we expected because the school decided to give out brownies which they have never done that in a homecoming before. I met a bunch of my friends and we actually had a surprisingly good time. I'm sure I'm going to remember that night for the rest of my life.

Song of the day